Dos&Co Kennels was established with the goal of making a positive difference in the lives of dog owners worldwide.
Greetings, I'm Dos Dosunmu, the founder and director of Dos&CoKennels. I founded this in-house, family-driven venture alongside my mother and father, Quam and Jamarra, as well as my three siblings: Joselynn, Khadijat, and Ayo. Together, we form the Dosunmu Family, working collaboratively to make Dos & Co Kennels a reality.
We the Dosunmu Family, a burgeoning Golden Doodle breeder based in Chicago, IL. We are a small in-house breeder of GoldenDoodles. Our decision to venture into in-house Golden Doodle breeding stems from our deep passion for nurturing intelligent, friendly, and capable therapy dogs. Golden Doodles are renowned for their amiable nature, low shedding coats and suitability for both families and individuals with allergies. Their remarkable temperament and adaptability make them a sought-after choice for both as family companions and therapy animals. Our journey into the world of Golden Doodle breeding originated from a desire to share our affection for this distinctive breed with others. Concurrently, we are committed to enhancing and upholding their health, temperament, and overall quality. Our unwavering dedication revolves around ensuring that each puppy we bring into this world receives the utmost care and socialization, thereby enhancing the lives of the families who open their hearts and homes to them.
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